Interested in Bluegrass real estate? Talk to Craig about being your buyer’s agent, representing your best interests every step of the way.

To get started, call Craig at (859) 621-3026. Whether your first meetup is local and in person, or you live a distance away and work via phone, you can describe your dream property and location to Craig. He’ll walk you thru the buying process, explaining how it all works. He’ll show you what’s currently available for sale and you can see what fits.
He then creates a personalized MLS search which tells the system your criteria. When a new listing comes online that matches that criteria, you get an email alert. When it’s a property you want to visit, call Craig’s mobile at (859) 621-3026 and he’ll set that up asap.
Craig and Linda also work with sellers in the central KY area. Click here to take a look at Bridgewater Real Estate’s current listings in the Central Kentucky MLS.
Please note: The Lexington-Bluegrass Association of REALTOR®s sponsors the Multiple Listing Service. While focusing on 16 counties in the Bluegrass area — including all four Fayette County areas — you may see listings from up to 102 counties.